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TheMinecraftGodHerobrine said: Stan- Nope. And that's cuz of Cypher gets his hands on them, he could destroy the very fabric of existence as we know it.
Mabel- Damn, Grunkle Stan, when'd you become such a nerd?
Stan- Chuckles- When I started hanging out with my brother more often.
Dipper- You'll never know what I know.
Stan- Oh, just you wait and see, kid.
@TheMinecraftGodHerobrine pov: "grunkle stan"?? and what does dipper mean by that?
Dipper looks at Solomon.
Dipper- You look like you ave something on your mind.
In this rp, Dipper does have abilities, and magics, but they all come from his journal, Journal 3.))
"uh, nope just kinda chuckling at the name you gave to him" *he looked away*
Dipper- That wasn't me. That was my sister.
Dipper walks up to Solomon.
Dipper- Seriously, are you okay? Even tho I just met you, you don't seem quite like yourself. What's going on in that head o' yours?
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
"im just wondering what you know about bill, did you let him in too?"
Dipper shakes his head. 
Dipper- No, not willingly. I let him in cuz he would've killed Stand and Ford....and my sister.. I can't lose them, they're the only family I have left.. Bill already killed mine and Mabel's parents..

Drake continues playing Minecraft with Mal.
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
you are good at minecraft,Drake
"what happened to your head then? what did he do to you?"
Drake- Thanks! You're pretty good too! What, do you just prefer to do speed runs?

Dipper looks away, and stays quiet, folding is arms.
"dipper.?" *he looked at dipper's book* "how long has bill been in your mind scape?"
Dipper stays quiet, clutching Journal 3 tightly in his folded arms, looking away.
Dipper- ...
"im just pushing at this point, im sorry, dipper" *he gripped his arm*
Dipper closes his eyes for a moment, takes a deep breath, holds it for ten seconds, and then lets it out, and opens his eyes, fully aware of the hand gripping his arm, clutching Journal 3 tightly in his folded arms.
Dipper- It's....fine..
".. so when are they coming back?" *he let go of his arm and set it down to his side*