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A few hours go by, and Drake is all decked out in full Netherite armor and full Netherite weapons.
Drake- What do you think?
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
you look good,drake
He chuckles.
Drake- Thanks. I prefer Netherite.
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
Drake- Then why are you still in daimond armor, with daimond weapons?
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
SoLKeeper said: "ill find a way, yes" *he smiled, eyes closed* "dipper, bill's always after your book right? how do you get him off your back?"
@SoLKeeper ??))
Dipper- Um, yeah he is. He wants all three of my uncle's journals.
Ford- We can't tell you that other one, Solomon.
Ford- Bill could be near by.
"is there an item then?"
Ford- There is, but telling you right now is just too dangerous. Cypher could be close by.
"okay" *he sat down*
Ford- If you want, while the portal's still active, I can send you back to your home world.
"might as well wait for bill tho, i dont know if he's staying here"