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Dipper puts the journal back into his vest, and refolds his arms, and shrugs, standing there with Solomon.
Dipper- Whenever Ford can ditch Bill.
"hehheh.. yeah. i dont think i should be in this room anymore"
Stan- No, no, you're okay.
"i could ruin ford's portal.. im a danger to you guys, right?"
Stan shakes his head.
Stan- Nope, this thing's made to withstand anything.
"'re right, just being silly with these thoughts"
Stan- Hey, it's okay. You're more than welcome here!
"i know, i just dont know how much i could destroy, this is such a nice town"
Stan- This town is protected from that kind of power. So you're good.
no u did it wrong)
Meh. I was doing it my way. U^U))
you had to make a dog sound ;w; like woof or boork or arf act))
Says who? I can do any animal that I want. U^U))