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Sabrina: Not if I can help it! Get inside the house, I'll cast a protection spell so they won't get in! *Turns around, closes eyes, and chants an incantation under breath*
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Bonnie: okay(but it was to late but get hit with a shck darts and bonnie falls to the ground)
Guy: grab bonnie
Sabrina: Get away from him! *blasts the attackers with hellfire*
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Guy: what are you doing he will kill you shoot him again(more of the guys comes out and shoots bonnie again)
Sabrina: He is not dangerous! Leave him alone! *runs to Bonnie and forms a protective ring around them* Bonnie, are you all right?
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Bonnie: i am fine the pain it hurt i got you back bonnie(bonnie starts to talk in a deep voice)
Sabrina: What's going on with you? Your voice changed...
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Ignited bonnie: hello i am bonnie protector i help bonnie out let me fight i will win they are scared to death of me watch(ignited bonnie walks toward the guys the guys run in ither direction)
Sabrina: Oh. Okay then, do your thing, Ignited Bonnie!
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Guy: run(but ignited bonnie picks up the guy by the throat leave me and the girl alone or i will rip you head off)
Guy: no
Ignited Bonnie: wrong answer(ignited bonnie rips the guys head off and other guys run away and bonnie goes back to being normal and falls to the ground)
Sabrina: Damn, that was brutal! At least they are gone. Do you think they'll be back?
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Bonnie: no i don't not for a while at least and by the way the thing you meet is ignited bonnie he can be mean somethimes but he is cool
Sabrina: I see. Welp, let's get started on the house. I'll take the top and you take the bottom, cool?
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Bonnie: okay(a hour later bonnie gets done with the bottom)

Sabrina: I'm done with the top of the house. Did you find anything, Bonnie?