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Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
i miss my boyfriend..
*soloman started to walk up the stairs to leave the portal room*
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
he gets off the game and lays on his bed
Drake- I bet you do. And I'm here to give you company till he gets here, okay?

Ford- Are you not wanting to go home?
He followed Solomon.
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
okay i dont mind at all
Drake smiles, and he sits next to Mal, and leans up against the wall.
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
he sings softly
Drake looks at Mal with intrest.
Drake- What's that you're singing?
Mrevil6767 Mrevil6767
Pain by Three Days Grace
TheMinecraftGodHerobrine said: Drake- I bet you do. And I'm here to give you company till he gets here, okay?

Ford- Are you not wanting to go home?
He followed Solomon.
@TheMinecraftGodHerobrine "is he going to follow me home.?"
Bill appears next to Solomon, and teleports them down to the Portal Room, and types in the destination, which is the universe they came from, and then turns it on with the lever, and grabs Solomon, and floats through the portal, and ending up back on the roof to Candy's house, and the portal snaps shut, and Bill puts Solomon down.
*he didnt look at bill* "okay, great convo, ford"
Bill sighs, and disappears.
*he hugged malachi and layed on him*