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Citrine421 Citrine421
"Why exactly do you want a dog, sweetie?"
"For innocent reasons such as enjoyment, companionship, and to complete my true American Childhood (in Canada)."
"This is new. When have you been innocent?"
"It's a new hobby I'm trying to get into."
Citrine421 Citrine421
*whispers* "Dang, and we set up in Canada just to avoid the full American Childhood TM experience."

"Now pray tell, what breed of dog are you hoping to get? "
"I'm all for a new hobby that doesn't include destruction of property but are you sure you can take care of it? You know me and your mother are gonna be busy at work." 
"I want a hellhound. They're practically self-sufficient Father, you won't even realise it's a dog at all."
Citrine421 Citrine421
"And you know I'm not one for dogs."

For all intents and purposes here, I am a neko and not a kitsune))
Citrine421 Citrine421
ZekeScipio said: "I want a hellhound. They're practically self-sufficient Father, you won't even realise it's a dog at all."
"So why not consider... I don't know, actually making some friends at school? Much cheaper, and they can just go home to their parents when you grow tired of them."
"Exactly, kid. You can't keep spending time with boring adults like us." 
"Friends can't provide the same... childhood experiences that a hellhound can."
Citrine421 Citrine421
"Our company is a one-way ticket to growing up jaded."
Citrine421 Citrine421
ZekeScipio said: "Friends can't provide the same... childhood experiences that a hellhound can."
"And how many American children experience true childhood with a Hellhound? I thought their distribution was still strictly regulated?"
"Strictly regulated for good reason, may I add. Bit a baby's face clean off for trying to pet it. Was saying something about 'filthy hands stained by the blood of God' or whatever"
Citrine421 Citrine421
"What Gods are the youth of today soiling their hands with?"