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ZekeScipio said: "I wanna help father spread pestilence!"
@ZekeScipio "Has your school said anything about Bring Your Kid to Work Day?"
Citrine421 Citrine421
ZekeScipio said: "I wanna help father spread pestilence!"
"There's your answer then. I'm sure whatever weapons of biological warfare your daddy's cooking up at the lab are a lot more interesting than the mould colonies spreading under our seat cushions at the bar."
"Surprised the place hasn't cleaned out those cushions. Some detergent or vinegar would do the trick."
Citrine421 Citrine421
"'Adds the atmosphere' so the boss says. I don't know what's so atmospheric about getting an STD from a couch cushion, but I've learned to not ask questions."
"hm... remember to get him his shots before taking him. You're gonna have to, dear. They kicked me out of the pharmacy." 
Citrine421 Citrine421
"Only if your insurance from work still covers it. My health insurance is garbage."
"They really should be giving you better health insurance considering your life is on the line everytime you walk into that god forsaken place." 
"Well, maybe not your life..."
Citrine421 Citrine421
"Do you think a round of bullets would be enough to deal with the mould? Because then I certainly have no worries for my health."
"...well if you want to deal with the chair as well I suppose that could work... maybe the property tax would die with it?" 
Citrine421 Citrine421
Quick question, are we using the neko & android personas, or is that too many layers?))

"You're right... the gunshots would scare off too many customers. Although we wouldn't need as many chairs then, so it's a win-win I think."
((It's just us here isn't it? We know what's what))
"People have already moved out because of the little guy's... antics so I reckon any fewer and it'll be a ghost town."
Citrine421 Citrine421
True... I seem to be the only person who actually saw the announcement, and there's no easy way to access the roleplay forums other than through that link))
"Mother can I get a dog?"