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Eita wagged his tail a bit nervously and stood up, stepping closer to Woofie. 
woofie confused and stepped back a little* 
Eita stepped closer again and whined, his head down. 
woofie sits looking at him*
He slowly walked up to her and rubbed against her, a bit like a cat, which was a way for someone to say, 'Can I join your pack?" when in wolf form. 
woofie put her pow on his head then signaled to come*
He wagged his tail more and followed her. 
woofie tail wags a little happy to make them happy* -w-
He wagged and walked beside him, nudging her shoulder friendly and excitedly. 
woofie looked at him for a sec* 
He stopped and looked back curiously. 
woofie did a playful jump then ran off*
He lowered down, then jumped at her and chased her. 
woofie stops looks at him the jumps at him* 
He yipped playfully and flopped down on the ground, and started chewing her leg lightly. 

((this is adorable XD))