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He reared back on his back legs, then jumped and tackled her lightly. 
woofie barks at him* 
He barked back. 
woofie pushes him up and tackles him* 
He yipped and nipped at her. 
woofie kinda whimpers after being nipped the growls* 
He whined and lowered his ears and head. 
woofie pushes her head into his neck* 
He wagged his tail a bit and licked her cheek. 
woofie sits down* 
He laid down in the water, facing the edge of the stream so he had his head above the water. 
woofie yawns* (wait dont we have human forms to XD)
((wait yeah XD))

Eita looked at her, then got out of the water and gestured for her to come with back to the den. 
woofie goes to the den* 
Eita shook himself off, and followed.