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Eita wagged and poked her cheek in thanks.
woofie lays down next to eita* 
Eita set his head on her back. 
woofie sleeps* 
Eita soon fell asleep, too. 
the bigger wolf just watched eita*
A little bit later, Eita woke up again, yawned, and looked around. 
woofie was not next to him but out side* 
Eita got up and stretched, then trotted out. 
the bigger wolf tried fallowing him* 
Eita heard the bigger wolf and turned his head to look at him, then stopped and stepped to the side, to let him pass. 
the bigger wolf stopped the started to growl and was ready to pounce* 
Eita whined and lowered down to the ground. 
the big wolf walked away after seeing woofie* 
Eita looked over to Woofie and got up again, and trotted over to her, and stayed close for protection.