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Hia~ this forum to follow and track the devolvement of my upcoming Visual Novel.

On a dark Autumn night, a young Church Grim witnesses the kidnapping of a soul. Kidnapped himself, the Grim and the Soul team up with a Scarecrow as they try to escape the "Harvest King."


The bases for the game is a turn base RPG/Point-and-Click. You play as a young church grim named Lucas and his companions; Milly the ghost and Peter the scarecrow...OH! and Peter's friend Isabella the crow. The goal is to have three fights, a boss fight, and town to explore with strange characters to meet.

~It's fall-themed!!
~Yes the Art Style is meant to look weird or bad.
Sprites: Top to Bottom- Lucas, Milly, Peter with Isabella

Battle Cards

The battle test for the visual novels. I'm never good with this kind of stuff so fingers cross it works!

Oho~ I am excited!
DAX said: Oho~ I am excited!
@DAX :3 yay~
this looks so cool!~

epicramenlord said: this looks so cool!~

@epicramenlord  Thanks! playable demo will be coming out soon :3
Happy Halloween!!

This VN is looking really good! good luck with it. I might keep my eye out for this one.
ShotoNemar said: This VN is looking really good! good luck with it. I might keep my eye out for this one.
@ShotoNemar Thank you kindly!
ZodiacStories said: @DAX :3 yay~
@Sonic exe Yeah! My favorite halloween theme!