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"Who do think you keeps on causing those earthquakes?", Poseidon chuckled.
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Logan: *Nods* Good to Know! 
*Isaac does a flip in the water.*
"The doorway to Olympus should be around here somewhere", Poseidon looked around, "I suppose we can wait for Isaac to catch up with us."
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Logan: *Looks around* So much Blue under here!
Isaac appears in front of poseidon
Isaac-What about me
"Nothing really, just waiting for you", Poseidon said, "If we head any farer north, we would reach Atlantis." 
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Logan: Lets Continue on! *Swims*
"Alright", Poseidon swims towards a cave.
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Logan: *Follow's*
Poseidon enters the cave, "Don't accidentally scare any squid or octopus, they are like skunks and will ink."
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Logan: I won't *Slowly Swims*
Poseidon stops and then slams his trident into the ground. Some rocks start to fall and reveal a glowing white door.
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Logan: Cool! *Swims Towards the Door*