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Isaac-I was going to Shift but that works
Poseidon nods and jumps into the water. 
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Logan: *Dives in but Ends Up Getting a Face Full of sand*
Poseidon pulls Logan out of the sand as he chuckles. He now had a tail and fins replacing his ears.
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(I am about to go but I will be back)
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Logan: Wait What Happened to my Ear's
"They turned into fins for the adaption of underwater hearing", Poseidon explained.
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Logan: Well the Sea Kinda Sounds Peaceful No Lie *Follow's Poseidon* 
"Mostly expect when humans drop their trash into the sea",  Poseidon frowned as he swam. They passed by a school of colorful fish. 
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Logan: I'm Telling you If these People Keep that Up Something Bas Going to Come at us and Bit us on the ass and Her Stripper Name's Karma! *Swims With Poseidon*