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"Hello there", Poseidon grinned. 
Isaac-It's been long and Kind of Guessed he was Poseidon with the trident of his.
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Logan: It's Good Seeing you Again Anyways Poseidon Now Is there Anything else you need to do for me?! 
"No, I remeber I needed to report something to my little brother", Poseidon said.
Isaac-And I'm always open for stuff to if Logan needs help or you need anything
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Logan: Ok Good plus Are we Going to Olympus?!
Isaac-Oh that place is awesome I saw Zeus and literally Fainted
"You can tag along because that is where we are going", Poseidon said. 
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Logan: So How are We Getting there?
"I have my ways", Poseidon started to walk to the ocean.
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Logan: ok? *Follows Him*
*follows Logan*
Poseidon then slammed his trident against the ground and water swirled around Logan and Isaac, "This will temporarily give you the ability to become a siren. Once our trip to Olympus and back, you two will lose the ability." 
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Logan: Oh I was Going to Grab my Scuba Gear but That's Cool!