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He opens his arms for Toby, the look apology getting stronger on his face.
Ej- Toby, honey, I'm sorry for threatening you with my suit..
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Toby - walks out of the  room swiftly
Jack looks down at the bed, not bothering to stop Toby, and he disappears, and reappears on his side of the bed, and disappears under the covers, and curls up into a tight ball.
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Tim - looks out the door at toby then back at jack and goes to jack and picks him up and sets him on his lap

Toby  -  pulls his coat and shoes on then goes out the door and slams it shut
Jack curls up into a tight ball on Tim's lab, trying not to cry cuz he scared Toby, and he felt really bad about it.
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Tim - hugs jack and pets him to calm him
Tim - its okay jacky, He´ll be fine
Ej- No, it's not okay... I scared him with my suit.... I regret doing that....
He curls up even tighter in Tim's lap, and starts crying.
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Tim - kisses him to calm him down 
Jack kisses him back, but doesn't calm down very much, he just curls up even tighter, and cries out of guilt, shame, and regret.
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Toby - walks into the mansion

Tim - shh its okay jacky, everything will pan out
Owen sees him and gets curious and worried.
Owen- What are you doing here, Toby?

Jack just continues to curl up into a tight ball in Tim's lap, and cry softly.
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Toby - Can you please Bring Brian back? Also Jack threatened me with his suit
Owen- Jack probable had a valid reason to do so, but I will talk to him. And I cannot. Not without him here. I cannot operate his technoloy, only he can, so he would have to be here to do so.
DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble DenkiKaminariloveshisPebble
Ghost Brian -  I follow people everywhere, that sounds wrong. I leave them alone when they're using the bathroom for anything. Unless it Tim, then no borders
Owen- What sounds wrong, Brian?