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Heeeey everybody, it's Sonya again, for your weekly update of CloudNovel!

So this week we fixed a lot of bugs in the forum posting system. Now if you upload or insert an image into your post, it won't scroll all the way back up to the post again. This time, it stays where you insert the image. We also got rid of the strange "Big" font size that was the default for the normal sized text. This is now fixed.

As per someone's request in our discord, we added the ability to delete your flag folders (flag folders are only available through premium visual novels):

Also, moderators have the ability to lock/close threads as well as pin threads to the top of the forum now. @DAX will be organizing our forum now that this option is available to us.

You can now also select the url handle you'd like of your thread, via here:

And as you can see from the red button that says Delete Topic, you can now delete topics/threads, as long as you're the owner.

Another thing we added in the forum is Spoiler tag and Code tag.

Take a look:

You've read my spoiler!

This is my code, I can type <span data-flag="myFlagName"></span> html in here!

That's it! Hope you like the new features of the forum, next week we are working on a new feature for forum, but we will keep it a secret until then!

Have a nice week you guys! Happy holidays!

Fall Mystery Jam is coming to an end! It ends at the end of this month, so there is 10 days left! Hurry and complete your fall mystery game!

Click here to visit the official jam page.