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Hey everybody, it's Sonya. We basically fixed bugs the entire month, but they were important bugs, and now you can use the engine more efficiently and smoothly without all the hiccups.

However, this doesn't mean we haven't added anything new the entire month of April. Along with our bug changes, we made changes to the forum and created new tutorials on our YouTube channel, because our old videos have been out dated for 5 years. Yes, our Empress @DAX has finally updated our long out dated video "How to Make a Visual Novel" and she will be making new updated videos for all our other YouTube video tutorials:

Other than that, I have not started work on CloudAvatar and CloudRPG yet, because I was busy promoting our first commercial game Café Rouge on Steam. It will be free to play on CloudNovel (with in-game purchases), but will cost $20 to download on Steam. Please look forward to my game's release this summer in July 2020.

With that said, let's recap what we did this month in April:

Week 1

Uploading images to the forum is now free. So you can upload image files to your forum, and even use them inside your game library. However, keep in mind that everything you post in the forum is public, so if you want to have your image files private, we still recommend upgrading your game to premium to be able to directly upload your files inside your project library. 

Here are some other minor changes we made: 

  1. Drag and Drop bugs were fixed, some minor changes were made to how the mouse drags the buttons.

  2. Filters had a bug where you couldn't edit the input text, you can only use the slider, to change the value of the filters. This has been fixed, and now the inputs work.

  3. You can now use your free trial to upgrade to premium game types for visual novels and dress up games, so if you'd rather upgrade a game instead of creating a free trial of a premium game, you can just upgrade your game and use your free trial that way.

  4. Filters now work on animated spritesheets, both characters and images. Before, once you applied a filter, it would not animate anymore. We also added the ability to remove the filter in the reset animation (for characters and images) because now that animated spritesheets have filters, filters can slow down your game unless you use "reset" and remove it from your animation.

Week 2

  1. We added video tutorials to the home page:
  2. New video file types are now supported, so now video assets (only available in premium game types) can now support .mp4, .ogv, and .webm files.

  3. Backlog text history now resets at the start of every scene. We did this because this was the cause of slowing down the game after hours of game play. So now all games play super fast because backlog text history is reset back to nothing at the beginning of each new scene.

  4. Full screen bug is now fixed on Edge, Firefox, and Opera browsers. 

Week 3

Not much happening this week, I worked on my own visual novel game project "Café Rouge" such as uploading my cloudnovel visual novel to Steam. I will also be updating the documentation soon because right now our Uploading to Steam tutorial only shows you how to do it in Windows. I will make a tutorial on how to do it in a Mac for Mac users soon.

Week 4

Our Summer game jam has been officially announced! This is our 4th summer game jam hosted on CloudNovel, check it out here:


Overall, I want to say we understand everyone is going through hard times right now thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost everybody is affected one way or another, even us staff members of CloudNovel. Believe me, we are all in the same boat. People have had salary deductions, lost jobs, or even worse, catch the coronavirus themselves. It is tough times, so I want to say, I will pray for everyone to make it through the end of the tunnel. Hang in there, and don't lose hope, it is very hard but it will end, eventually. 

Other than that, CloudNovel will be coming up with new content for our documentation as well as our YouTube channel videos in the next upcoming weeks. Stay tuned, our Empress @DAX is working hard.

That's it for this month's updates on CloudNovel! Thanks for reading another one of our newsletters!

Hey guys! We are thrilled to announce that we have another Discovering CloudNovelist interview for the month of April! @Otometaku will be leading monthly interviews with CloudNovel developers and artists, so stay tuned~ This month, @Otometaku is interviewing @moneyfunny!

About the CloudNovelist
@moneyfunny is a sprite artist from Hong Kong. Since joining CloudNovel in 2017, she has been releasing her sprite art and characters, all with a cute and unique art style! We’re very impressed and can’t wait for her future developments!

Read the full interview here