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stevie: so you were talking about making me ears or something along those lines 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*She brightens a bit* " Oh. Yeah. Seeing as yer new, ye'll want to fit in. And with my knowledge of tech, I can make yer ears and tail wiggle like that of one of us. What animal do you want?"
stevie: um I think a fox would be the easiest so ill go with a fox 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Alrighty. I'll do it tomorrow."
stevie: ok cool um so ah quick question um what do you do for a living  
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Oh. I run a mini Railroad down the road a little bit. And I build animatronics for the local pizzeria."
stevie: oh cool that kinda sounds like this game in my world called five nights at freshy (I was trying to make ah reference but the name is dumb) 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
(it's fine mate)
"Ironically, the place is called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Kinda lame. The guy who owns it is a guy named Freddy Fazbear. Pretty lame."
stevie: huh maybe you can show me tomorrow after you get done with the ears and tails  
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
stevie: ok then well should we het some rest for tomorrow  
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Yes indeed. I have some sweat pants and a tee shirt if ye want to use them as PJs"
stevie: um I think I might do that but um can I use your shower I've been walking and being in the sun for hours 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Of course. You know where it is, let me go grab you a towel." *She goes off to get you the pjs and a towel* "Here you go." *She hands 'em to ye.*
stevie: um thank you for all of this but ill go get In now (stevie gose and takes a pretty long shower)