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stevie: I mean guaranteed sorry I get words wrong sometimes 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*Does so and sucks* " I've always used an actual cart, so I suck at bikes."
stevie: its easy here let me show ya (stevie dominates the race with the bike) stevie: see
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"You just stick with what yer good with, and I'll stick with what I'm good with. Well. We should get some sleep."
stevie: ya your right well good night and ill see ya in the morning 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Night." *Puts the switch away*
(stevie passes out the moment he got settled in the bed)
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*She settles into bed, turns out her bed side lamp and goes to sleep*
(next morning)
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*She wakes up a little early to make breakfast*
(stevie wakes up to the smell of breakfast) stevie: 'yawns' dang I haven't had that good of a sleep in a long time but I guess ill get up(stevie gose to the kitchen) 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*Notices* "Morning Kid."
stevie: morning and what do you mean kid your only one year older then me right 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Yer still younger then I am."
stevie: ya what ever kid um what did you make