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Stevie: um what are you exactly 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Demi-Human. Kitsune specifically. And what are you?"
( Stevie looked confused) Stevie: wait your a kitsune like a real kitsune and im just a normal human
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Wow... I've never seen a regular human before."
Stevie: um same hear I never seen a kitsune before I only seen them in mangas and anime
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"I've only ever seen Humans in Manga and Anime."
Stevie: well what's your name 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"I'm Vixy. Vixy Nightly. Who are you?"
Stevie: im Stevie shworts the human 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*Puts her hand out* "Nice to meet ye."
( Stevie puts his hand out to) Stevie its nice to meet you to umhey I have been wondering for hours and I was wondering if I could come into your lovely house 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
"Of course. Assuming yer new round here, I'll let you stay in the guest room until you can get of yer feet."
Stevie: oh my god thank you your a life saver 
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*She giggles* "Of course. Well I was about to make dinner. Are you a vegan, vegetarian, what?"
Stevie uh I like both so I don't mind what you make