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Scream: *walks in with 40 bags of mcdonalds* Anyone want some
Zak looks back, and raises his hand.
Zak- I'll take some for both me and my girlfriend please.
Leslie blushes when she hears Zak call her his girlfriend.
Scream: ok *gives them two bags* for the cute couple
Zak blushes and chuckles.
Zak- Heh, thanks!
He hands one to Leslie, who's also blushing, and she takes it after kissing him.
(im gonna change Phages host name to Jesse williams)
*Phage uses an old trick to duplicate himself and the second one dissapears*
Agony laughs.
Phage walks towards Zak and Leslie
Zak and Leslie turn around to see Phage.
Zak- Yes?
Leslie- What do you need, Phage?
Phage falls to ground injured
Leslie gasps, and Terror appears and Zak disappears, and Terror kneels at Phage's side and heals him, then disappears, and Zak reappears.
Phage disappears and Jesse appears
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Toxin- hello