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Jesse:Give him Back Aren... OR ELSE
Tamashi: I'm just gonna go....
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
Tamashi: Wow. No ice cream for you then... I still didn't get your names.
*Jesse's eyes glow a blood red as he walks up to Aren*
Jesse: final warning Aren give him back
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
Aren steals one of Tamishi's Ice creams
*Tamashi goes inferno mode*
Tamashi: Gimme my ice cream back now.
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Aren grabs even and forms wings then flies away*
*Tamashi snipes Aren with a flaming rock*
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Throws the ice cream on the ground*
*Jesse stretches his arm and grabs Aren then sends sparks and knocks her out*
Jesse:Give me back MY MAN
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Even forms Jakal as he hits the ground*
*Tamashi gets up*
Tamashi: I'm a guy, not a girl
*Jesse runs to Evan but screams in pain then collapses*