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*Out of random energy that comes out of no where Scorpion, Vulture, and Rhino have a super intense threesome and they never talk about it*
*Tamashi uses mind manipulation and forces rhino to bash his head into a wall multiple times, making him unconscious*
Tamashi: That should not have taken that long. Oh well, now it's taken care of.
*Symbigod appears infront of Tamashi and steals his mind manipulation*
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Even starts to form Jakal but faints*
*Jesse holds Evan making sure he's still breathing*
Jesse:Stay with me Evan
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Even wakes ups*

Jesse:Thank my Lord
*Kisses Evan*
*Tamashi walks back to the juice shop*
Tamashi: Oh... oook.
Jesse:I thought i was gonna lose you
*Tamashi holds up 2 ice creams*
Tamashi: You guys want one? Or do you want this special moment to yourselves?
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Aren pulles Even from Jesse*
Jesse: you know I'm polymourus...NOOOOOOOOOOOO