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*A Symbiote also fuses with Scorpion*
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Even forms Jackal and hits scorpion beating him into the ground*
*Scorpion uses his stinger and paralyzes Evan*
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Yamako Jumps on scorpion and snaps his neck* 
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Yamako Starts burning of scorpions symbiote* 
*Rhino charges Yamako knocking him 50 feet back*
GrimesDeathhimself GrimesDeathhimself
*Even gets up and burns rhinos face*
Name: Tamashi
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 235
Symbiote stats: Mind Manipulation, Special Grape Juice| Symbiote Name: Maliki
Other: Always travels with an animal, no emotions due to the fact that his parents were killed in a car crash.

*Tamashi walks into the juice shop*
*Scorpion stands up as he is joined by Vulture who also has a symbiote and lifts Evan 100feet in the air*
Tamashi: What in the world happened to this cafe?.....
Tamashi: What in the world happened to this cafe?.....
Other:Can instakill anyone who decides to be overpowered*
*Hears clashing outside*
*Turns around*
Tamashi: That's why it's destroyed
*Tamashi walks up to the rhino*
Tamashi: Why did you destroy the juice shop?