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Hi, I'm trying to upload assets to my pages, but the timeline editor button is not working. When I open the scene page, the asset editor is there, and I have to close all of the boxes to reach the add a page button. Once I add my asset to the specific page, I click the timeline editor and nothing happens.

It's now started to give me a loading percentage when I drag and drop the image, which is different from before I started writing this when it gave me nothing. Is there a bug in the website right now? I made a different, test novel to see if it was something wrong with the original, and tried uploading images in both the character and image sections with no luck.

Thank you
@silvakuros please give me the link to the scene you are having a problem with.
@silvakuros There is no problem with your game and there are no assets in your game so far. (except I have added one for testing.)

You said:
It's now started to give me a loading percentage when I drag and drop the image, which is different from before I started writing this when it gave me nothing.

This is normal. Of course, it is going to give you a loading percentage if you drag and drop the image into a scene because the image needs to load itself.

Nothing is going to happen because you have to use Show animation to show the asset. It will not appear if you just drag and drop them into a scene.

Hopefully, this will answer your inquiry.