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ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
HT: *Talking about Evoloution*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*not paying attention*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"Psss, pay attention"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*looks up and rolls eyes*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Whispers angriler* "PAY ATTENTION!"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*glares and raises hand*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"may i go to the bathroom?"
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
HT: "Why yes sweetie" *Glares*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
(I meant he glares)
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"thank you miss" *gives him an evil grin and walks out to the hall and waits a few feet away from the classroom*
(yes i knew wat you meant)
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
L: "Ma'am?" *Raises hand*
HT: "Yes?"
L: "May i use the restroom?"
HT: "Yes you may"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"one... two..... three..... four..... five......"
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"Wait nevermind"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
{i know he is going to come out soo. wait i guess} 