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oneinamillion oneinamillion
*stands up and walks to bed and plops down on it*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
{mumbles} " I'm just an omega, by his sent it smells like he is an alpha. that doesn't mean he is but he smells like one "
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Stops the shower when done, gets out and starts to dry off*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Stops the shower when done, gets out and starts to dry off*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*stands up and walks to window and sits in the windowsill*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Gets dressed in shorts and opens the door as i peek around corner to make sure no one there*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*ears twitch and looks over to my closed door*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Runs into my room very fast*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*hears thumping* "uuuhhhhh... okay.."
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Hurrys and puts a shirt on instead of just having shorts on*
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Doing schoolwork*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*quietly walks to my door and opens it slowly, walks out and into the main room. then walks out of the dorm and closes the door* '"phew... that was close"
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
*Hears* "Phew, she left"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*walks down the stair from the dormitory* 
" why do i have to be around all alphas?! am i like an alpha MAGNET?!?!?!?!"
ReedJungleBoar ReedJungleBoar
"Finally i can sleep"