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oneinamillion oneinamillion
"go have your break"
"k, ill be back in a bit"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
"okay have fun"
*walks to his car and unlocks it*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*goes back to resting*
*hopes in and starts his car and drives off*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*starts snoring*
(i mean i'm broken at the point i can't be fixed =_=)

(ah, ok) *drives into the parking lot and gets out whistling*
*opens the passenger and pulls out some bags*
*closes the car door and heads to the door, opening it and walks in*
*powers on and tps to Graham*(i'm like golden freedy and do i call you because or do i call you Graham*

thebloodywerewolf said: *powers on and tps to Graham*(i'm like golden freedy and do i call you because or do i call you Graham*

@thebloodywerewolf (ok, and graham since thats my name)