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(characters name, but what ever)
"AAHH" *almost drops the bags, but catches them*
"h-hi, animatronic"
*looks at Graham*"my name is wolfy"
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*sleeping under tree*
"well sorry bout that wolfy" *tries to wake past*
*looks at Graham*"do you want me to watch your boss?"
"umm, sure, not in a creepy way though i'll be back in a sec to check on her"
*tps to oneinamillion and watch her then wags my tail*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*opens eyes and see's a shadow standing over her*
*wags tail and oneinamillion see the shadow of my tail wag*
oneinamillion oneinamillion
*rubs face and sighs* "hi wolfy..."
*heads to the kitchen and puts some stuff in the fridge*