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gh0stduck : im duck or gh0st or gh0stduck 
The_R3Ap3R_0f_S0uLs- I'm The_R3Ap3R_0f_S0uLs, or R3Ap3R, or S0uL.
Scubasteve: names scubasteve * he said pointing up at his name tag
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Ninja: "NinjaGenesis."
Max: well nice to meet you guys
gh0stduck looks at ninjas character and accidently says* hot-- i mean hi!
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Ninja seems to not notice.*

Ninja: "Hey."
gh0stduck; agh so uh 
The_R3Ap3R_0f_S0uLs- Yeah?
Scubasteve: what was that ghost 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Damn Max XD)
gh0stduck: nothing anyway do u guys know how this game works
Oh, well gtg, continue this more on Tuesday.))
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed