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Max/scubasteve: alrighty I’ll hop on and see you on there 
The_R3Ap3R_0f_S0uLs- Nice! I like your name! It's pretty cool!
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
NinjaGenesis: "Yours is cool too."
ghostduck loads in the game* 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Ninja steps to the side as Ghostduck appears.*
* max/scubasteve joins not to long after her
The_R3Ap3R_0f_S0uLs- Heh, thanks! Oh, hello new person!
She waves at the new person.
Max/scubasteve: howdy there
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Ninja steps to the side for Scubasteve.*

Ninja: "What the..."
Gh0stduck: shi- agh sorry hi 
The_R3Ap3R_0f_S0uLs- Laughs- You're good, and hi.
big thud again*  sorry 
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
The_R3Ap3R_0f_S0uLs- You're good. What's your names, new people?
Max/scubasteve: hehe thanks man * he said to ninja*