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DeLao DeLao
(But I have made an account for both me and Kakazu to rp on)
DeLao DeLao
(Let me switch to that account real quick oh all characters that both me and my brother have made will still be the same)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(sorry I fell asleep)
(Hi Kakazu and Akani/ Kakani)
(it's a shame spooken isn't on)
spooken said: (My twin was mean)
@spooken(you and Gen aren't twins. . .)
IAmGrimes IAmGrimes
IAmGrimes IAmGrimes
A: So I hear Wyatt finally got a girl)
(not me in real life but kinda)
IAmGrimes IAmGrimes
(I know I meant Wyatt and Sylvia)
IAmGrimes IAmGrimes
K: Well we can continue from where we left off)
IAmGrimes IAmGrimes
Sylvia started purring.