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Sylvia looked at Wyatt. "I told the bully to leave you alone if that makes you feel better" she goes next to Wyatt and sits down.
*Wyatt puts his blanket over his head*
Sylvia pats Wyatts head. "Can I show you something?"
*Wyatt looks at her*
She closes the door. "Well I know what you are so I think its only fair you know what I am..."
She reaches for her hoodie and mask and takes them off starting to blush)

*Wyatt blushes*
Sylvia puts her mask and hoodie on the bed and sits next to Wyatt. "Look... I know cats and dogs dont get along well but I do wanna be your friend..."
Sylvia leaned over and kissed Wyatt on the cheek. "Well if your happy now then I should go"
*Wyatt grabs Her*
Sylvias eyes widen.
*he pulls her back*

(Is Akani awake?)