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(What door are you knocking on?)
Luna smiled. "Sure!" She sipped. "I usually like to spray paint some of my art pieces on buildings.Its quite relaxing..."
"This church holds a lot of history of love", Keiko smiled, "Hence its name which is love in French". 
"Oh..I wouldn't know that but my Brother would have recognized that immediately..." Keiko sipped her coffee again.
epicramenlord said: "Oh..I wouldn't know that but my Brother would have recognized that immediately..." Keiko sipped her coffee again.
@epicramenlord (Lol)
Luna smiled. "So has you family always been vampires?"
"Yep, the whole line is either full vampire, half vampire, or 1/4 vampire", Keiko chuckled.
"That sounds cool..All my family is boring humans..Except I think my Grandma is a witch..."Luna tilted her head.
"Might be a mage so you would born 1/4 mage", Keiko joked, "This place brings those romantic vibes that you have with Shakespeare's words".
" does..It would be a perfect place to go on a date..." Luna looked up at the ceiling.
*knock on the door*
(bye, i gtg)
"You European or something?", Keiko asked. 
*knocks on the door again*