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maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
max: dont worry I was joking(he said with a laugh) so how did you and mandolorien meet ay
Shinto Shinto
*the force sensetive pioleted his ship to another planet spreading his name as the man whom leaves a trail of death behind him as he yet again kills a group of men 
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
max: hay you guys have you heard of this guy named lord Revenant  
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Jessica barnes - he was protecting this place when i got hurt and he helped me out i think i have
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
max: hm I thought he was some bad guy but I guess I was wrong dang wormers 
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mandolorain- did you get gas max
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
max: no not yet there were dudes pushing this girl around so I ran those dudes off and here we are
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mandolorian- then go get gas max
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
max: alright give me a minuet would ya (he said with a smart ass tone and went to the pump filled the can up then walked back to them)max: alrighty lets get back to the ship
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mandolorain- okay grab jesse anderson and run to the ship*Starts to run to his ship*
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
max: what why( he said doing what he instructed)
FnafForever98 FnafForever98
Mandolorian- we are going back to The planet*Flys off and goes to the planet max's van is on*
Shinto Shinto
FnafForever98 said: Jessica barnes - he was protecting this place when i got hurt and he helped me out i think i have
@FnafForever98 please dont try to control my character or explain stuff about my character that isnt true lol))
Shinto Shinto
*the force sensitive seemingly then force chokes a man on the planet he is on* i find your gang unamusing now then im going to give you two options id advise you listen unless you want to die here and now*
maximusGrimes maximusGrimes
(I kinda knew from the picture your character had lol)max: then why the hell did we have to run mandolorion