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Name: Kitana Namji
Nickname(s)/Aliases: Female Bandit, Kit
Race: Human/Nin
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Personality: Kitana is strong willed and determined. She is introverted and prefers to keep to herself.
Ability(s)/Power(s): Swordsmanship, Jubaku Satsu, Basic Medical Ninjutsu

(Me finna add more characters on Tuesday)

Name: Paimon
Nickname(s)/Aliases: Emergency Food, Floating Child
Race: Fairy
Gender: Female 
Age: ?
Height: 1.5 - 2 ft
Personality: Paimon is bubbly, out-going, but almost a little too honest, somewhat naïve and occasionally comes off as rude. She is obvious about who she likes and who she doesn't like.
Ability(s)/Power(s): Fly, Summon other spirits, Can breathe underwater 

Name: Claudia Dubois
Nickname(s)/Aliases: ?
Race: Mystic (Part Angel/Human)
Gender:  Female
Age: 29
Height: 5'5
Personality: Claudia is friendly, playful, joyful, and empathetic.
Ability(s)/Power(s): Icarus' Wings

Name: Lucille Dubois
Nickname(s)/Aliases: Lucy
Race: Superhuman
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Height: 5'7
Personality: Lucille is a very sweet and caring woman who is every bit the proper lady.
Ability(s)/Power(s): Healing Tea, Teaching, Bilingual 

"It looks like Ryori is back from exploring the forest", Ravenna pointed towards Ryori coming near the ramen stand.
“Yay! He is back from his adventure!”, Seven added in.
“I brought things from my adventure too”, Ryori lifted his messenger bag up. “Paimon helped too”, a small fairy was floating near Ryori.
“What is that?”, Ravenna looked at Paimon.

“Paimon is a fairy”, Paimon chuckled. “I found her in the forest. I also found this fruit called Sunsettia”, Ryori pulled out a strange looking fruit from his bag. ”Is it edible?”, Ravenna looked at it.

“Edible as it ever be”, Paimon said as Ryori grabbed a bag. “I gotten new currency, Gil”, Ryori showed them a coin.

“We got a currency, now we need a government official or leader”, Ravenna looked up from the coin. “Agreed”, a woman with blond hair appeared with another woman with pink hair and wings followed behind her.
"I am Lucille Dubois and this is my wife, Claudia", Lucille looked at Claudia with a smile then looked around the small village. "That house over there would be nice", Claudia pointed to a house.

"It seems like two houses appeared while I was gone", Ryori looked at the houses next to each other. "We would like the one with the light blue roof", Claudia said as Ravenna looked at the other one, "And I will take the other one, there is enough rooms for my family."
"Me and Seven will stay in that apartment building", Ryori pointed towards a apartment building.

"We got 4 residences, a ramen stand, and a currency", Seven said. "Paimon will live with Ryori", she floated around Ryori.
"Well, welcome to Nowhere", Seven looked at Claudia and Lucille. "Thank you", Lucille nodded as they walked towards their new home. "I better prepare my house for the arrival of my sons", Ravenna left. "I suppose we can go home", Ryori looked at Paimon as Seven nodded. They walked to their homes as three bandits stood near their hideout.