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Name:Jackie Smith
Nickname(s)/Aliases:Technic, Jack, 
Race:Cybernetically enhanced human
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 7.11
Personality: happy hard working
Ability(s)/Power(s): can hack anything and can turn any part of his robotic body into something else.
Ravenna sits on her porch, obviously looking for someone.
(The story is that everything that comes to this bare land comes from black holes.)
Ok thanks.)
*A black hole spits Jackie out along with a few pencils and two books*
Jackie-What in the
Ravenna goes towards Jackie.
(This is what Ravenna looks like)

Jackie-Hello. WHere am I?
Ravenna lets out a sigh of disappointment, looking at Jackie, "You are in Nowhere."
Name: Kaz Smith
Nickname(s)/Aliases: K, Valkyrie,
Gender: Female
Personality:loving caring and warrior
Ability(s)/Power(s): can shape-shift and Elemental control
"The place is called Nowhere and I suggest you settle somewhere for right now. There is a apartment building with plenty of vacant apartments", Ravenna pointed towards the apartment building.
Jackie-Ok thanks.
*Kaz falls out of of a black hole.*
"Welcome to Nowhere, you can follow this young man to the apartments", Ravenna said to Kaz and held two bags, "You two will also be needing these. Each of these bags are filled with gil, the common currency for the village."

Kaz-Hmm ok? thanks ma'am. *she follows Jackie to the apartments.*
Ryori leaned against the railing of second floor of the apartments as Paimon floated near him, "Our first night here in Nowhere."
Jackie and Kaz walk into the apartments