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Only Ninja and Sakura members can post here
(Oof, that got to hurt.)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(I went Head First)
(Double oofs)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(I Probably Lost about a good Chunk of my Brain Cells)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(But I'm Fine and Where Is Everybody?)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(I don't know, probably not at school or busy)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Kinda Weird)
ik what happened to one person))
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Just agreeing what you said that is kinda weird that barely anyone is here)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Oh Didn't understand it but Yeah Everybody's Here By Now?)