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UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(It's not a Holiday Today? so What's Up with that) 
ik what happened to minecraft and their always on))
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Wait Minecraft? They are Always On? So you guy's Know them?)
i know them they go to my school but r school shut down for the rest of the week))
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Covid Reasons)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Wait So you guy's are at home?)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Lucky I'm Still at School)
-w- its not lucky i hate online school i wish i still had school right now))
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Me too Even tho I'm a Computer/Electronic Geek)
(I am at school, rn going to lunch)
UnknownTemptation24 UnknownTemptation24
(Wait If your Going to Lunch And I'm Still in Second Period WTF oh Wait You guy's are three Hour's Ahead of me)