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Hey guys, it's Sonya. I'm back for your weekly update on CloudNovel. Once again, as we promised, we didn't do any new engine development on CloudNovel, instead this week we fixed bugs, many bugs. =_=;;

Again, we have not started on CloudAvatar development yet, but we made some minor changes and bug fixes to the CloudNovel engine, and the platform in general. Let me list them below so you can see what we did:

  1. We added video tutorials to the home page:
  2. New video file types are now supported, so now video assets (only available in premium game types) can now support .mp4, .ogv, and .webm files.

  3. Backlog text history now resets at the start of every scene. We did this because this was the cause of slowing down the game after hours of game play. So now all games play super fast because backlog text history is reset back to nothing at the beginning of each new scene.

  4. Full screen bug is now fixed on Edge, Firefox, and Opera browsers. 


That's it for this week, also I've been working on my own visual novel Cafe Rouge this week, and released the final 2020 trailer for this game, please watch it below:

Here are some screen shots of this game coming soon to Steam (only the demo will be available on Steam, to play the full game once it's released this summer, play it here):