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Hello everybody, it's me Sonya. I know it's already March 1st, but we still need to do the February Monthly wrap up, so yes I apologize for not sending this newsletter yesterday. There is a lot of activity between the staff and I so we have all been very busy working on CloudNovel.

Anyhoo, here is a recap of what we have done in February 2020:

We did some redesigns of the home page as well as the browse pages when you browse visual novel games.

We also wrote a REAL search algorithm and there is a suggested search results drop down menu when you type something in the search bar, check it out:

We are also starting development of our next game maker, CloudRPG:

Learn more about CloudRPG game engine in the official announcement:

You can now also have more control on the word count of your visual novels, check it out:

So other than all that for this month, we fixed some minor bugs this past week so everything is working more smoothly in everyone's games. 

That's it for this month, thank you for reading our newsletter!
