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The Earth is under siege by alien symbiotes that attach themselves to living beings and become alien monsters! Earth has created it's own symbiote warriors to combat the alien threat, the only problem is that the Earth made symbiotes can only bond with children. So the fate of the world is in the hands of Zaydin and the students of SCAR Institute!


The KickStarter for this project has been released and you can also now play the first chapter / demo on CloudNovel or download it from

[Play Game - CloudNovel]
[Download Game -]

Hello there, some of you may know me from the Discord Server as MidZM, I'm working on the Visual Novel Symbiotic. The story of this game focuses around an orphaned kid named Zaydin, as well as his "friends" Elliosa and Kadin as they try to prevent the world from being devoured by Metamor and the symbiote creatures that latch onto living creatures and turn them into monsters.

A little bit about myself:

I started out as an artist on DeviantART doing random little drawings ranging from extremely poor to decent.
It wasn't until I got in Naruto that I decided to start bettering my art style to reflect what I wanted to show and eventually started making fan-comics, and then Naruto ended and I swore off that entire series until the day I die... let it burn in an eternal fire. After that I started making my own comic, Marked, and did that for 2 years straight until I completely burned out from making it and got burned a couple times by the publishing platform I was using... TAPAS! shakes fist. After that I needed a break and started work on Symbiotic and fell in love with the CloudNovel engine and it's ease of use without having to strain my brain figuring out how this code will interact with that code, or how that code will break this other code, etc. etc.


While chapter one of Symbiotic will be free-to-play, I cannot create the game the way I want to make it without finances or the ability to make money on it. So I have decided upon finishing chapter one of the game I will be creating a KickStarter to make the game look and play out much better.

KickStarter Features (So Far):
+ A lengthy story spanning across multiple chapters/seasons.
+ Some scenes will be fully animated!*
+ Characters will be voice acted.
+ Official soundtrack of original songs.
+ Downloadable client for fast loading and ease of use.
+ Possibility of getting added to online stores such as Steam or Epic.**

* Some scenes in chapter one would be animated after the KickStarter, if it succeeds. If they were to be animated right now it would take a really long time and I don't have that kind of time doing this all by myself. There will be animated endings upon release but that is all I can offer at the current time. I was only able to animate one ending, and the rest of the animation depends on whether or not the stretch goal is reached.
** I cannot confirm which stores would host the game since as of late the Epic Store is taking control of the online store industry and offering developers exclusivity deals that I'd be a fool not to capitalize on if given the chance...

Chapter One Features:
+ Various characters to love, hate, and theorize about.
+ A simple (But also very complex... oh the pain) battle mini-game that allows you to earn EXP and level up.
+ A story told through many different CG's and character interactions.
+ 1 animated segments.
+ 2 secret endings (animated).
+ 1 secret battle/character.
+ Beautiful, sad, creepy, and amazing songs from various free online resources.

A young student of the SCAR Institute hellbent on being the best. A lonely kid without friends and a knack for shoving everyone in his life, out of his life.

Tama is Zaydin's symbiote partner, Tama doesn't have a mean bone in his body (Well he doesn't have any bones in his body, but you get the point). Zaydin doesn't really like Tama and only sees him as a tool, this saddens Tama sometimes but he sticks by his partner to face the enemy.

A young student of the SCAR Institute who has a crush on Zaydin and wants nothing more than to make him see her. Elliosa is a kind girl, always helping those in need. She also has a secret wish to become a dancer when the world no longer needs saving.

Elliosa's best friend, Pinkie is a sweet little symbiote that only wants to see her partner happy. Pinkie enjoys eating sweets with Elliosa even though she doesn't need to eat to survive.

A young student of the SCAR Institute, Kadin acts like he's Elliosa's big brother even though they have no actual ties to being brother and sister. Kadin is a strong individual, before being sent to SCAR Institute he was readying to be a highschool football player.

The spiky ball of gusto and Kadin's partner, Spike is a big ball of tough ready to take on anything MUCH bigger then him, even if it means he gets knocked down over and over.

A young student of the SCAR Institute, not much is known about Taya. Even the staff at SCAR don't know much about her other then the fact that she showed up along with some orphaned children.

Taya's symbiote partner and friend, Blaze is strong willed and ready to fight. He loves to fight, but tries to keep a cool head in the face of danger.

A student of SCAR Institute, Alastair is the president of S Class and the leader of the Seven S's. Alastair has worked hard and long to get where he is and believes what he is doing will finally bring about the end of Metamor and free the Earth from the threat of destruction.

White tier symbiote, Osmund is a fierce warrior ready to follow Alastair into battle to defeat anyone who would stand in their way. Osmund is a loyal partner and friend to Alastair and would do anything to protect him.

Principal Neolinus
Neolinus is the principal of SCAR Institue, he makes sure the students of his institute are properly trained and educated, and that the government continues to supply the money necessary to keep them fed and able to protect the world.


Looking forward to it! ((I'm definitely not peeking in it with the excuse of fixing bugs!))
Waaaah I'm so excited for Symbiotic. I've played the offline visual novel (because I had to fix the bugs orz) and the gameplay is great. Highly recommended!!

Now don't you look familiar, love the black
The graphics are so good!!

Looks like a cut scene of a real anime 
Sonya said:

Looks like a cut scene of a real anime 

I'll be trying to go for a real anime look when I work on the animated trailer and animated ending(s).

Kazuna said: The graphics are so good!!

Thanks :3
I have updated the main post since I have now released the KickStarter and changed a few things from the original posting of this thread.

Check out the KickStarter and play/download the game, hope you enjoy!

The Earth is under siege by alien symbiotes that attach themselves to living beings and become alien monsters! Earth has created it's own symbiote warriors to combat the alien threat, the only problem is that the Earth made symbiotes can only bond with children. So the fate of the world is in the hands of Zaydin and the students of SCAR Institute!
Thanks for the announcement :)
MidZM said: Thanks for the announcement :)
@MidZM no problemo