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doggy:"well chris, a guy named matthew, nightmare and goldie/nightmare fredbear are here" chris:''yup''
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
everyone i just mentioned:"what"
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
" Nothing. Just more people than I expected, that's all."
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
doggy:"matthew, chris, i have a challenge where You Two will switch abilities" chris:"wait he has abilities?" doggy:"he's a grape and can teleport" chris:" wait hes like mike?" doggy:"Thats what i basically just said" matthew:"REEEEEEEEEEE" doggy:"pls stop"*switches their abilities*
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
*Walks in* " What's going on in here?"
matthew:"do i have his animatronic form?" doggy:"yes" matthew:"CYUTFGHJHGUFDTGFHJGIYUDRCHJHFTRDGCHVJVXT" doggy:"glitchy much?"*he turns in to shadow freddy/chris animatronic form*
doggy:"im concerned for chris and his animatronic form"
(Hallo. I my name is techno-Chan and i like to stab orphans. Hi hi)
(could I join this rp??)
* doggy who is still very concerned and is regretting his choice to make this happen looks at kitty*
doggy:"what have i done..." kitty:"it was your decision" matthew:"REEEEEEEEE"
GoatGrimes GoatGrimes
(So uh, what the scrap is happening here?)