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* max catches up to them eventuly * max: hehe you two really hit off didnt ya * man chuckled*
Sasuko giggles. “Well, lets get some apples now. Lets see what kind they have.”
Gaara and Himawari appear next to Diavolo. “They’re getting along quite well now. Maybe candy apples brought the together.”
max: I think so lets just hope there not up all night * he chuckled*
Hiro looked at a little girl eating a candy apple and smiled, seeing her reaction.

(I had a caramel apple as a kid before and it was sticker yet tasty) 
(Eri! I think that’s her name…)
Sasuko grabs a few and pays for them and hand one to Hiro. “Here ya go!”
( dang I never actually tried a carpal apple ) max: I actually never had one before *
(Neither have i. I want one though)
( they dont look to appealing to me lol XDD)
"Try one then, I been eating these since I was a kid", Hiro smiled and bit into his candy apple.
(Some tastiest foods don't always look good) 
Sasuko bites into hers. “Yum!”
(Like blue cheese and wine)
Hiro chuckled.
Sasuko smiles at Hiro. “We should do this more often.”
"The next festival is in the winter for the Winter Festival", Hiro said.
Sasuko frowns. “Dang… that’s not to close, is it…”
"This day is a break for me from research", Hiro tilted his head.