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max: oh dang your miner like gold and what not * max seed intrigued with his cat ears moving from side to side only with his tail but slower *
Sasuko smiles. “That’s awesome! You’ll have to show me sometime.”
Himawari looks at Diavolo. “How did hiro go from dissing my Aunt to getting along with her so well? They’re like old friends.”
Name - Nia Haruno 
Gender - Female
Age - 19
Height - 5'6
Sexuality - Lesbian 
Species - Human
Universe - Castaway
Background - A worker at Hot Topic, Nia is often fierce but can get nervous at times.
Power(s): N/A

(Who’re the new characters for?)
(Hot topic is great. I love that store.)
"Coal mainly", Jules said.

"I can show you now", Hiro smirked.

"Hiro starts out broody towards others but he warms up to them", Diavolo said with a grin.
(Do people forget that they asked for ships?)
(I want to shop at Hot Topic one day)
( its litterly like sponsors lol and not saying that hot topic is bad its perfect lol) max: oooooh coal I bet thats got to be alot of work 
"Lots of dust too", Jules nods.
max: hehe im guessing it pays pretty well for you to work there huh 
( BRB science )
Nia stood beside a paper fan booth as her friend who dragged her here gawked at all of the fans.
(Her Kimono:)

TiredBitch said: "Coal mainly", Jules said.

"I can show you now", Hiro smirked.

"Hiro starts out broody towards others but he warms up to them", Diavolo said with a grin.
(Do people forget that they asked for ships?)
(I want to shop at Hot Topic one day)
@TiredBitch (oh, yea. So, which character is for which ship? Wait, i guessing since Jules is talking to max, that’s decided already)