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What's going on everybody? My name is FlyingPieGuy, and I'm excited to be joining the CN community. I already have a game underway, but I thought this thread would just be me popping in and greeting you all.
Welcome to Cloud Novel!!! I hope you enjoy your stay and the community, glad to have you here! :3
@FlamingSky Thanks! I've already seen great things and it's only been a week! I await with anticipation other good stuff from other good creators.
Hey hey, welcome to CloudNovel! Everyone's here to make great works of art, and we're full of positive energy! If you need help let us staff (me, @DAX, @Kazuna, @Otometaku) know! We'll be ready to help!
@Sonya I appreciate that! You guys have already helped so much. The ability to make a free premium novel right off the bat along with an excellent community has encouraged me to tell my friends about CN and has reassured me that this engine is the best choice.
Welcome!! Look forward to seeing more of you in CN! (Super profile pic btw lol)
@Kazuna Hey! I'm glad you like my profile image! He's an OC character I made with a group of friends. He's a glow up but he's special because I basically grew up with him...