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So! I've been getting a higher-than-usual number of questions about Insidious and how to survive it. I don't want to give away ALL the answers on the game's page itself, so I'm posting a guide here for anyone who's stumped and, like me, would rather follow a guide than go through too many replays. I hope it helps!

There are two ways to make it through the game alive.

Convince Adan to send a rescue party
  1. Outside, collect the can of peaches
  2. In the kitchen, collect the salt and the matches. If you don’t feel like taking the matches, you can also take the flashlight later. You just need a light source.
  3. Feed the peaches to the rat. This will mean the rat stays inside the house.
  4. Keep exploring until Adan calls, and say whatever you like.
  5. After finishing the call, go upstairs. If you did not take the matches from the kitchen, take the flashlight now. Go to sleep.
  6. Wake up and get out of bed. Use your light source to chase away the thing hunting you. 
  7. Go downstairs and call Adan. Be enthusiastic about entering the study. He is very invested in getting answers about Rhea and you want him to want to talk to you.
  8. Enter the study. If you fed the rat earlier, the infestation will be busy hunting it and you’ll be safe.
  9. Collect the suitcase from the bed, the microscope from the desk, and the beaker from the shelf.
  10. Exit the study. The salt will protect you.
  11. Having survived, call Adan. If you kept him in a good mood he will answer and arrange a rescue party.

Repair the Lifeboat
  1. Outside, collect the fuel canister
  2. In the computer room, open the desk drawer and collect the repair manual
  3. In the kitchen, open the cupboard and collect the rope
  4. If Adan tries to talk to you during any of this, say whatever you like and then continue. He won’t make any difference.
  5. Return to the boat and fix it. Ride away into the eerie green sunset!

And that's it! Congratulations, you made it off the creepy research base :D
These steps should work if followed exactly. That said, this was the first complete project I ever undertook and I basically built it on the fly, so sometimes weird inconsistencies crop up if you do something I didn't anticipate way back in...2017, I think? I've decided to keep looking forward to new projects rather than always going back to fix the old ones, so if a bug does prevent you from completing the game, I'm sorry ... but not that sorry ;) I hope that this guide helps, and hope that you'll forgive me the flaws and use what you notice to build an even better game!

@FishyFeathers since this is a guide, I move it to General subforum and add a Walkthrough Guide label on it.
On the other side, whoa... I never knew I could survive using the first method. I kinda gave up on getting Adan helping me.
@DAX oh okay! Thank you, I didn't even realize that was an option! 

haha yes, I think more people than I intended figured out the boat route rather than the one through Adan. Which makes sense, in hindsight, but not intentional. Definitely some puzzle design decisions I would have made differently if I were building this game now!