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CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
kittycat said: im sorry) 
@kittycat (Oop, sorry for what?)
(I'm stupid don't blame me)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Nah, it's aight.)

(Basically, it's multiple love interests. So you just have multiple people who want to be with you.)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Guard: "General Mika, we have to bring him in."

Mika: "He's probably hungry."

Guard 2: "We can't feed the enemy!"

Mika: "You don't know that."

Mark: "...What is... happening?"
Sarah walks closer to mark quietly but steps on a stick
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Guard: "WHO'S THERE?!?"

*Mark jumps at the yelling, and looks behind him.*

Mika: "Don't yell, you'll scare them off."
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
Qrow: *walks into the forest to escape the crowded streets* god this towns too crowded
Sarah stands still hoping that they will ignore it
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Guard: "...No one's responding."

Mika: "Could just be an animal."

Guard 2: "I'll look."

*He starts walking to the stick. The other guard grabs Mark.*

Mark: "Ow! What the- don't you all have harassment laws?!?"
Sarah starts to run but trips and fall to the ground
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
Qrow: *walks up behind the guards* ... yay, guards. my day keeps getting better *a tree falls behind him*
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*The guard sees Sarah and grabs her.*

Guard 2: "I knew someone was here..."

*He brings Sarah to the group.*

Guard 2: "I found-"

*They turn at the tree falling.*

Mika: "Hm? Is someone cutting these down?"

Guard: "They better not be, that's illegal!"

*Mark looks at Sarah.*
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
Qrow: *turns to look at the fallen tree* oh come on! that's the worse luck i've had all week...
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed

Mika: "Don't have to yell... again."