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CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
TheFnafOverlord said: Thanks.))
Origin City: Techra
Polyamory Open?: maybe
Commoner or Royal?: common
Background: is dating Kaz
Power:Magic shapeshifting cybernetic enhancements(if allowed)
Power Info: can do magic like teleportation telekinesis and necromancy
Strength: 10/10
Element: 3/10
Speed: 8/10
Agility: 10/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Reputation: 2/10
Weakness: elemental attacks(if not blocked)
@TheFnafOverlord (Yeah, that's allowed.)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name: Camryn
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Origin City: Mini Crea
Sexuality: Straight
Polyamory Open?: Yes
Commoner or Royal?: Commoner
Background: She can't talk or move much due to an unknown condition. Despite this, she has always pushed herself to learn and help others.
Power: Ability Boost
Power Info: She can boots anyone's stats by 5, including her own.
Strength: 5/10
Element: 5/10
Speed: 3/10
Agility: 3/10
Intelligence: 5/10
Reputation: 3/10
Weakness: Using the ability on herself causes extra strain on her body. She usually ends up coughing up blood.

I forget to put her name it is Sarah.))
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Lol, I didn't even notice that was missing.)

(She kinda cute tho)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
(Imma make a few more OCs.)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name: Alexa
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Origin City: Ranghi
Sexuality: Straight
Polyamory Open?: Yes
Commoner or Royal?: Commoner (Was a royal)
Background: Her family deemed her useless after not being able to protect the house one day. Due to this, she was disowned. She lives at an inn and tries to perfect her shield to prevent rejection again.
Power: Dome Shield
Power Info: Dome Shield protects anything in it from attacks or abilities. Alexa can go through the dorm freely, while anyone she deems an opponent can't. She can also close the dome to crush her opponents if they are in it.
Strength: 2/10
Element: 1/10
Speed: 3/10
Agility: 10/10
Intelligence: 5/10
Reputation: 4/10
Weakness: Dome Shield can't protect opponents from teleporting inside of it yet.

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
Name- Mika
Age- 17
Gender- Female
Origin City: Smithi
Sexuality- Straight
Polyamory Open?- (Yes)
Power(s)- Power Duplication, Power Heal, Taunt
Power(s) Info- Power Duplication adds her opponent's Strength to her own when they hit her.
Power Heal heals her by her Strength.
When an enemy if afflicted with Taunt, their attacks will only target Mika. (Including area damage attacks)
Enemies can get Taunted by:
A) Hitting Mika (30% Chance)
B) Mika hitting them (50% Chance)
Backstory- She used to be a cocky girl who excelled at everything, but when her school was attacked, everyone else died. She now pushes to become the best tank ever so it never happens again.
Strength: 1/10
Speed- 5/10
Agility- 3/10
Intelligence- 10/10
Element- 1/10
Reputation- 8/10
Weakness- When Power heal is activated, her Attack goes back to her original form.T
aunt does nothing to limit the amount of attacks a person releases. (If an archer shoots 10 arrows meant to hit multiple people, all 10 arrows will hit Mika.)

CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
K then lets start)
CrimsonReed CrimsonReed
*Mark slowly wakes up in Mini Crea Forest.*

Mark: "Ow... wh-what happened?"

Mika: "Ah, he is awake."

*Mark looks up to see a girl right in front of his face.*

Mika: "Are you hurt?"

Mark: "Wh- aah!"