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Ink- Oh, okay. *Pulls out her phone when she hears a text notification come from the ringtone she set for Error, smiles, blushes, and looks at what the text says*
(That´s your cue Fresh)
(Remember, Error´s nickname for Ink is Kiki, and Ink´s nickname for Error is Ruru)
"Who got you blushing like that?", Madonna chuckled as she looked at Ink.
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
error(text): yo, hows class?
error: *on the schools roof*
Ink- *Blushes more, smiles, and texts back, not seeming to hear Madonna* It´s good, you skipping as usual, Ruru?
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
error(text): yup, nothing new for me to learn. what class are you in i might drop in
error: *making a doll of geno*

fresh: *sneaks up behind ink and stays there for a bit*
Madonna shrugs and places her earbuds back into her ears. This time she chose a playlist called Renaissance.
Ink- *Blushes more, and giggles, texting Error back, not noticing that Fresh is behind her, cuz she´s too busy texting her boyfriend Error* You know how to follow me. Just follow my energy trail that only people like us can see. Okay Ruru?
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
fresh: *steps into inks line of sight and looks at they're phone* no way! your textin' error, i ain't see you guys talk in forever. almost thought he broke up with ya

error: *sets the doll down* heh
text: yeah, i do. but i'm too lazy
Ink- *Looks up at Fresh* Uh, no. He loves me too much to do that to me. *Looks back at her phone, blushes again, smiles, and texts Error back* Idc. If you want your Kiki cuddles later, you´ll tp to me using my energy trail. U^U
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
fresh: *still looking at inks phone*y'know that you cant make error do anything

error: *laughing*
error text: nope, you find me in that case
Ink- *Glares up at Fresh with her ¨Do you wanna die right here, rn?¨ glare¨ Don´t watch over my shoulder, you creep. Mind your own buisness. *Looks back down at her phone, blushes again, smiles again, and texts Error back* Oh, really? Ig you don´t want the Kiki cuddles that Ik you love so much later! U^U
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
fresh: thats my brother, it is my buisness. *glasses are blank* and last i saw, you were fighting. i lost geno, i dont plan to lose error too
Ink- *Looks up at Fresh, pockets her phone, and looks up at Fresh* Ik how you lost Geno, but you won´t lose Error, I won´t allow that. And we were fighting bc he wanted to do something, but I didn´t. When I´m texting Error, it´s none of your buisness, bc he´s my boyfriend. Unless I call you to come over and read our texts, then please mind your own buisness. I won´t ask nicely again. *Disappears, and reappears silently behind Error, and wraps her arms around him from behind, smiling and blushing*
Reedsfreshparisite Reedsfreshparisite
error: *making a doll of CQ(crayon qeen/error and fresh's mom)* ... i miss you guys *talking to the dolls*

fresh: *glasses blank* heh... guess ink doesn't know who he's talking too. *heads to the roof* maybe i'll see geno today, if i have enough magic...

((geno is dead... and no fresh is not considering suicide))
Ink- *Hugs Error a little tighter from behind, smiling and blushing* Hey you. Is my Ruru doing okay?